- オーガナイザー: 神谷 典穂 (九大)・清水 一憲 (名大)・小西 正朗 (北見工大)
- 日時: 2022年10月20日(木)13:30~15:30
- 場所: A会場
座長:小西 正朗
- 13:30 (4A06-01)
Introduction of JBB and its historical records
……○Noriho Kamiya1,2 (1Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyushu Univ., 2CFC, Kyushu Univ.)
Editor-in-chief of JBB
座長:清水 一憲
- 13:50 (4A06-02)
JBB,a treasured scientific journal for me
……○Eiichiro Fukusaki1,2 (1Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ., 2OTRI, Osaka Univ.)
President of SBJ, the highest number of publications with high citations
座長:神谷 典穂
- 14:05 (4A06-03)
JBB, A bridge for academic development and long-term friendship between BEST and SBJ
……○Jo-Shu Chang1,2 (1Tunghai University, 2National Cheng Kung University)
Former President of BEST, Editorial board member (long-term contribution to JBB)
- 14:20 Break
座長:神谷 典穂
- 14:30 (4A06-04)
New trend and development in Bioscience and Bioengineering
……○Jingchun Tang (Nankai University)
Recipient of the Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize in 2012, the author of the highly cited review in the last decade - 14:45 (4A06-05)
Latest development of Microalgae Biorefinery
……○Pau-Loke Show (University of Nottingham Malaysia)
Recipient of the DaSilva Award in 2018, the author of the highly cited research papers - 15:00 (4A06-06)
My memory of JBB
……○Akira Ito (Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ.)
Former Deputy Editor-in-chief, the author of the highly cited review - 15:15 Panel discussion
……Former EiCs (Profs. Junichi Kato and Masahiro Takagi), and scholars from abroad including the KSBB president.