- 15:30 (2Mp01) 学 化 環
Control of bioprocess with Complex Microbial Engineering: Elucidation of effect of pH on microbial community structure and their organic acid productivity in continuous meta-fermentation
…… ○Tomonori Koga1, Hirokuni Miyamoto2,3,4, Kenji Sakai1, Mugihito Oshiro1, Yukihiro Tashiro1 (1Grad. Sch. Bioresour. Bioenviron. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 2Fac. Horticul., Chiba Univ., 3IMS,RIKEN, 4Sermas co., ltd)
…… ○古閑 友紀1, 宮本 浩邦2,3,4, 酒井 謙二1, 大城 麦人1, 田代 幸寛1 (1九大院・生資環, 2千葉大・園芸, 3理研・生命医科学, 4サーマス)
- 15:42 (2Mp02) 学 食 医 基
Analysis of interaction between butyric acid-producing bacteria and model intestinal epithelial cells using a novel co-culture system
…… ○Yoshihiro Umehara1, Hideki Aoyagi1,2 (1Grad. Sch. Deg. P. Life Agric. Sci. Technol., Univ. Tsukuba, 2Inst. Life Environ. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba)
…… ○梅原 嘉宏1, 青柳 秀紀1,2 (1筑波大院・生命農学学位P, 2筑波大・生命環境系)
- 15:54 (2Mp03) 化 医 環 農 基
Construction of a method for culturalization and isolation of uncultured bacteria using gel-micro droplet (GMD) aggregate culture method
…… ○Yumi Shimomura, Akina Yamamoto, Rikuta Suzuki, Setsu Kato, Yutaka Nakashimada, Yoshiteru Aoi (Grad. Sch. Integr. Sci. Life, Hiroshima Univ.)
…… ○下村 有美, 山本 明菜, 鈴木 陸太, 加藤 節, 中島田 豊, 青井 議輝 (広島大院・統合生命科学)
- 16:06 (2Mp04) 環
Development of novel light-irradiated culture without direct illumination of culture medium
…… ○Ginji Tsukada1, Yuta Ishii1, Hideki Aoyagi1,2 (1Grad. Sch. Deg. P. Agro-Bioresour. Sci. Technol., Univ. Tsukuba, 2Inst. Life Environ. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba)
…… ○塚田 銀志1, 石井 湧大1, 青柳 秀紀1,2 (1筑波大院・生物資源科学学位P, 2筑波大・生命環境系)
- 16:18 (2Mp05) 食 化 医
Development of the novel methodology for fermentation medium screening using deep neural network
…… ○Kazuki Watanabe1, Tai-Ying Chiou2, Masaaki Konishi2 (1Kitami Inst. Tech., Grad. Sch. Eng., 2Kitami Inst. Technol.)
…… ○渡辺 一樹1, 邱 泰瑛2, 小西 正朗2 (1北見工大院・工, 2北見工大)
- 16:30 Break
- 16:42 (2Mp06) 学 食 化 医
A new strategy for designing chemically defined media using comprehensive quantitative analysis of yeast extract and tryptone
…… ○Takuto Nakajima1, Tai-Ying Chiou2, Masaaki Konishi2 (1Kitami Inst. Tech., Grad. Sch. Eng., 2Kitami Inst. Technol.)
…… ○中島 拓都1, 邱 泰瑛2, 小西 正朗2 (1北見工大院・工, 2北見工大)
- 16:54 (2Mp07) 食 化
Improving microbial media by machine learning and multiple instrumental analysis
…… ○Masaaki Konishi (Kitami Inst. Technol.)
…… ○小西 正朗 (北見工大)
- 17:06 (2Mp08) 食 化 医 環 農 基
Thin-film ratiometric fluorescent pH sensors for use in animal cell cultivation
…… ○Sumihiro Koyama, Mio Kamiya, Hayato Kikuchi, Takashi Aoki, Shutaro Ishikawa (ABLE Co. Ltd.)
…… ○小山 純弘, 神谷 美欧, 菊地 駿斗, 青木 崇, 石川 周太郎 (エイブル)
- 17:18 (2Mp09) 学 医
Photoresponsive cell-trapping and photodegradable hydrogel layers for image-based single-cell sorting and analysis
…… ○Xueyang Li, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Akimitsu Okamoto (Grad. Sch. Eng., Univ. Tokyo)
- 17:30 (2Mp10) 医
Evaluation of the effect of operating temperature on cell adhesion behavior for mechanization of the inoculation process
…… ○Norihiko Hata1,3,4, Atsushi Takano1,3,4, Kenichi Harimoto2,3,4, Kai Torng Ang3, Fushun Miyamoto3, Masahiro Kino-oka3,4 (1RORZE Lifescience Inc., 2RORZE CORPORATION, 3Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ., 4Res. Base for Cell Manufacturability, Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.)
…… ○幡多 徳彦1,3,4, 高野 温1,3,4, 張本 乾一2,3,4, Ang Kai Torng3, 宮本 風俊3, 紀ノ岡 正博3,4 (1ローツェライフサイエンス, 2ローツェ, 3阪大院・工, 4阪大院・工・細胞製造コトづくり拠点)