第2日 (9月9日) 一般講演 J会場
西2号館 W2-402 (15:30–17:30)
学 :学生優秀発表賞の審査対象となる発表
食 化 医 環 農 基:研究アウトプット項目 (食品/化成品/医療/環境/農業/基礎)
- 15:30 (2Jp01) 環
Bicarbonate-based carbon capture and utilization using microalgae
…… ○Jo-Shu Chang (Dept. Chem. Mater. Eng., Tunghai Univ.) - 15:42 (2Jp02) 学 環 基
Ultrasonication assisted aqueous deep eutectic solvents for enhanced lipid extraction from microalgal Chlorella: A green approach for biofuel production
…… ○Antira Wichaphian1,2, Sirasit Srinuanpan2,3 (1Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Chiang Mai Univ., 2Biorefiner. Bioprocess Eng. Res. Cluster, Chiang Mai Univ., 3ORA, Chiang Mai Univ.) - 15:54 (2Jp03) 環 農
Biochar addition reduces nitrogen loss and accelerates composting process by affecting the core microbial community during distilled grain waste composting
…… ○Sun Zhao-Yong, Xie Cai-Yun, Gou Min, Tang Yue-Qin (Sichuan University) - 16:06 (2Jp04) 学 環
…… ○三枝 河輝 (静大院・総合科技)Effects of Storable Biomineral on the Activity of Anaerobic Microbial Communities
…… ○Koki Saigusa (Grad. Sch. Integr. Sci. Technol., Shizuoka Univ.) - 16:18 (2Jp05) 農
…… ○冨永 悠真1, 石田 丈典1, 舟橋 久景1, 廣田 隆一1, 黒田 章夫1, 池田 丈1,2 (1広島大院・統合生命科学, 2JST・さきがけ)Screening for silica-solubilizing bacteria and analysis of the underlying mechanism
…… ○Yuma Tominaga1, Takenori Ishida1, Hisakage Funabashi1, Ryuichi Hirota1, Akio Kuroda1, Takeshi Ikeda1,2 (1Grad. Sch. Integr. Sci. Life, Hiroshima Univ., 2PRESTO, JST) - 16:30 休憩
- 16:42 (2Jp06) 環
…… ○XU JING, YUAN TIAN, XU ZHUOQI (筑波大院・生命環境)Development of a sustainable hydroponic system for efficient use of by-products generated from anaerobic digestion
…… ○Jing Xu, Tian Yuan, Zhuoqi Xu (Grad. Sch. Life Environ. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba) - 16:54 (2Jp07) 環 農 基
…… ○中谷 肇1, 堀 克敏1, 大川 泰一郎2, 中村 哲也3, 高木 昌宏4 (1名大院・工, 2農工大院・農, 3NEWGREEN, 4北陸先端大・マテリアル)Changes in the rice field microflora by operation of an organic cultivation support robot (Aigamorobo)
…… ○Hajime Nakatani1, Katsutoshi Hori1, Taiichiro Ookawa2, Tetsuya Nakamura3, Masahiro Takagi4 (1Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ., 2Grad. Sch. Agric., Tokyo Univ. Agric. Technol., 3NEWGREEN, 4Sch. Mater. Sci., JAIST) - 17:06 (2Jp08) 食 環
Heterotrophic cultivation of Chlorella sp. on hydroponic effluent for the production of high-value PUFA-rich biomass
…… ○Nanthakrit Sriket1,2, Sirasit Srinuanpan2,3 (1Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Chiang Mai Univ., 2Biorefiner. Bioprocess Eng. Res. Cluster, Chiang Mai Univ., 3ORA, Chiang Mai Univ.) - 17:18 (2Jp09) 環
…… ○垣田 浩孝1, 高橋 芳明2 (1日大院・総合基, 2和歌山県水産試験場)Effects of environmental factors on the nutrient uptake of algal family Gracilariaceae
…… ○Hirotaka Kakita1, Yoshiaki Takahashi2 (1Grad. Sch. of Integrated Basic Sciences, Nihon Univ., 2Wakayama Prefectural Experimental Station)