第71回日本生物工学会大会3日目(9月18日)の本部企画シンポジウム「培養計測の最近のトピックススタートアップ企業による新たな取り組み」では、Prof. Jochen Buechs(RWTH Aachen University)に講演を行っていただきます。Prof. Buechsは、1998年から20年間にわたって英文誌Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering(JBB)の編集委員を務められ、JBBの海外での認知度向上に多大な貢献をされました。

Prof. Jochen Buechs (RWTH Aachen University)

  • 演題:Next generation bioprocess development
  • 日時:2019年9月18日(水)9:35–10:00
  • 場所:S1会場(一般教育棟A棟2階 A21)
  • 講演番号:3S-S1a01

Prof. Jochen BuechsJochen Büchs received his Doctor degree (1988) from the Research Center Jülich under the supervision of Professor Dr. C. Wandrey. In 1981 he had received his Diploma in Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Afterwards he became a research associate at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) and at Tokyo University, Japan (scholarship by Mombusho & DAAD). After returning to Germany and receiving his PhD, he was member and later head of the “biochemical engineering team” at BASF Group in Ludwigshafen, Germany (1988). Five years later (1993) he became head of the biotechnological pilot plant at BASF Group. In 1996 he was offered the post of full professor and head of the Chair of Biochemical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. In the same year he also obtained the “Arnold-Eucken Prize” of the German Society of Chemical Engineering. His current research interests are in the area of shaken culture systems, high pressure fermentation, small scale feeding technology and on-line monitoring. He has published 243 original papers and patents. From 1998 to 2018 he was serving as editor of the “Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering”. Since 2005 he is a member of two different advisory commissions for the German Federal Ministry for Education, Research and Technology (BMBF) on future research needs and funding requirements in the area of Biotechnology. Six novel technologies invented and developed at the Chair have been commercialized and are globally marketed. In autumn 2018 he received a honorary doctoral degree of Osaka University.