The abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to supply the abstract with accuracy of content, spelling and presentation. Please note that no modifications can be made after 12 noon (JST) on May 14, 2019.

Character count limit (including spaces)

  • Abstract: 1,540 characters
  • Title: 200 characters
  • Author information (names and affiliation abbreviations): 400 characters
    docAbstract Template
    pdfAbstract Sample

Title of presentation

  • Avoid any abbreviation in the title. Do not put a period at the end.
    (Only first letter capital and lowercase for the rest, except for words normally capitalized as proper nouns)

    e.g.) Heat-shock transformation of <i>Escherichia coli</i>

Author names

  • Enter surname of each author first, followed by first name and middle name (if any), for the indexing purpose, with only the first letter capitalized.
  • If the author does not have a surname, enter an asterisk (*) instead of surname. The asterisk will not appear in the program.

    Surname/Last name Given name/First name
    Chang James T.
    Kim Hyung Joo
    * Elis

Affiliation abbreviation

Abbreviate all authors’ affiliations. ⇒pdfAbbreviation List

Division of Biotechnology and Macromolecular Chemistry →Div. Biotechnol. Macromol. Chem.
Department of Biotechnology →Dept. Biotechnol.,
Graduate School of Engineering →Grad. Sch. Eng.
University of Tsukuba → Univ. Tsukuba
Company Limited → Co., Ltd.
Corporation → Corp.



Select from the key word list (not more than four words).
If you cannot find any appropriate key word, select “Others” in the list and type into the provided field.

  • Type in lower-case letter, except for words normally capitalized as a proper noun.
  • Use only English one-byte characters for keywords.

e.g.) lactic acid, biomass, <i>Aspergillus oryzae</i>, alpha-amylase


Select TWO (first and second preferences) ; technological fields and specialized areas.
List of technological fields and specialized areas

Corresponding author’s email address

Provide an e-mail address of the author who is responsible for correspondence on your research.

“Seeding” opportunity

The Society regards the annual meeting as an important “seeding” opportunity for members from industry, academia and governmental institutions. It aims to facilitate the dissemination of research seeds as widely as possible through members’ presentations and reports in the mass media. Please indicate your preference for seeding.
NOTE: The program committee will select about 30 hot topics from the abstracts marked with “Yes” in this section and the selected presenters will be asked to submit a long abstract to be published in the Topics Guide. “Topics Award” will be granted to outstanding presenters on hot topics.


Specify special characters (if any) so that non standard characters can be printed correctly in the Meeting Abstracts. If there are more than 20 authors, the rest of the authors’ information (surnames, given names and affiliations) can be provided in this field.