Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize Lecture (September 10, 15:20-15:40)
Dr. Ki Jun Jeon, the winner of Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize 2014, will deliver the Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize Lecture on September 10 during the 66th SBJ Meeting.

- Date & Time: September 10, 2014 15:20-15:40
- Place: Room C (107+108) , Sapporo Convention Center 1F
- Presentation No.: 2A-Cp01
- Title: Antibody engineering and production in bacterial hosts
- Authors: ○Ki Jun Jeong, Yong Jae Lee, Hee Sung Kim, Seung Hoon Jang, Sung Sun Yim (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, South Korea)
- Moderator: Atsushi Yokota
⇒Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize 2014 – About Winner
Today, therapeutic antibodies are the most well characterized proteins and, after the appearance of the first FDA-approved antibody 25 years ago, antibodies have become major therapeutic agents in the treatment of many human diseases, including cancer and infectious diseases. So far, a variety of strategies have been devised for engineering of these fascinating molecules to develop superior properties and functions. Recent development of biotechnology tools, particularly in regard to high-throughput screening, has made it possible to perform more intensive engineering on these substances. Based on a sound understanding and new technologies, antibodies are now being developed as more powerful drugs. In this presentation, first, Id like to introduce our recent achievements that has been made in antibody engineering. By combination of new protein display systems and FACS screening, we succeeded in the engineering of various antibodies including scFv, Fab and full-length IgG. Second, the recent strategy for the production of antibodies in bacterial host will be presented. By engineering of bacterial host (particularly secretion and folding machineries of hosts) and optimization of culture conditions, the production yield of antibodies (from small scFv to full-length IgG) could be significantly enhanced.