Membership Renewal for 2025

【Oversea Membership (For members who live outside Japan)】

【Active/Student Membership (For members who live in Japan)】

  • Domestic members will receive an invoice along with a payment slip by post early December. Please make payment using the payment slip at a Japan Post Bank by December 31, 2024. For more information, click here.
  • The Society for Biotechnology, Japan (SBJ) has established a preferential treatment system for student members after graduation from university or completion of graduate school.⇒more details

Update Personal Information

  • For members living outside Japan
    If you live outside Japan, please inform us () of your new contact information when you move.
  • For members living in Japan
    If you live in Japan, you can view and update your personal information online at (in Japanese).
    When you move, be sure to inform SBJ Business Office of your new contact information through the system or by e-mail ().

SBJ Membership Cancellation Policies

  1. Memberships are effective 1 January–31 December of each year.
  2. Members may cancel their membership at any time for any reason. No refunds will be issued for cancelled memberships.
  3. To cancel your SBJ membership, please email the Business Office at .

Access to the full text of the Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (JBB)

You can access to JBB back to Vol.64 (1986) free of charge by activating your online access with your membership number.
How to Activate Member’s Access