[Web Conference]2020 Sakura-Bio Meeting in Nagoya
Thank you very much for joining the 2020 Sakura-Bio online meeting.
We look forward to seeing you again next year under the cherry blossom!
Participants of the 2020 Sakura-Bio Meeting can download and share the Meeting Abstracts.
(For Participants only)
⇒Download the Meeting Abstracts
⇒YouTube talks of oral presenters and PDF files of poster presenters
- Dates:March 30–31, 2020
- Venue:Asia community forum (2F)
Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE) ⇒Campus Map
Nagoya University ⇒Access
- Co-chairs:
Hideo Nakano (Nagoya Univ.)
Tohru Suzuki (Gifu Univ.)
- Fees: Student 1,500JPY / Non-student 3,000JPY
(Exchange meeting fee: 1,500JPY)
- Contact:
The Chubu branch of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (SBJ)
♦ Co-sponsored by Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University and Biological Interface Forum
♦ Supported by Chubu branch of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
Lecture titles
Keynote Lectures
Sung Ok Han (Korea Univ.)
“Target oriented designer microbes for advanced production from primary to high-valued chemicals”
Nobuya Itoh (Toyama Pref. Univ.)
“Production of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical candidates by biocatalytic oxidation-reduction reactions”
John Chi-Wei Lan (Yuan Ze Univ.)
“Deciphering synergistic characteristics of redox balance stimulated biochemical production in electron-fermentation processing”
Special Invited Lectures
Brandon DeKosky (Univ. of Kansas)
“Interpreting antibody function on a repertoire scale”
Yit Heng Chooi (Univ. of Western Australia)
“Panning the Gold in Mould: Genome mining of fungi for novel bioactive molecules and biosynthetic enzymes”
Invited Lectures
Chitose Maruyama (Fukui Pref. Univ.)
“Amide-bond forming enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of Streptothricin-related compounds”
Takaaki Kojima (Nagoya Univ.)
“Transcriptome analysis of filamentous fungi using bioinformatics techniques”
Call for Abstracts
The Chubu branch of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (SBJ) invites you to submit an abstract to the 2020 Sakura-Bio Meeting where you can present your Biology and Biotechnology-related research in an internationa environment.
Join us at 2020 Sakur-Bio Meeting to meet the leading scienctists from academia and industry under cherry blossoms!
- Deadline for abstract submission:February 15, 2020
- Topics:
Synthetic Biology
Bioprocess Engineering
Secondary Metabolite Biosynthesis
Applied Microbiology
- Presentation type:
Oral & poster presentations
- Notice for the presenters:
♦ One-page abstracts should be prepared according to the provided templateand submitted no later than the deadline.
♦ During submission please indicate preferred presentation type (Oral or poster).
Abstracts should be submitted by email to .