1. Purpose of the Award

The DaSilva Award aims to motivate promising young researchers based in Asia to continually advance their research in the field of microbial biotechnology.

Past Recipients

2. Selection

One recipient per year shall be chosen and granted by the board committee of the Society, upon the recommendation of the prize selection committee.

3. Award

  • Certificate of recognition (sent by post)
  • Research grant of 100,000 JPY

4. Requirement

  1. Publication in the Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
    (The winner must submit a research paper to the journal within 3 years after receipt of the award.)
  2. The winner, if he/she is not a member, will be requested to join and become a member of the Society.

5. Eligibility

  1. Candidates must be non-Japanese nationals, 35 years of age or younger on January 1 of the year the award is presented, and must be affiliated with an organization in Asia (other than Japan).
  2. The research work must be undertaken by the candidate at his/her current or future organization.

6. Nomination

Each member of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan is eligible to submit one nomination.
Nominator should pay due consideration to the requirement in section 4, item (1) after his/he nominee receives the award.

The nomination package should include the following:

  • Nomination formword
  • Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae and Research Plan (PDF / Word)
  • Graphical abstract of the research (1 page, A4 size)

Nomination materials will not be returned.

Nominations should be e-mailed to the Society office () no later than March 14, 2025.
The subject line of the email should be “DaSilva Award Nomination”.


For more information about the Prize program or nomination process, please contact the Society Office.

The Society for Biotechnology, Japan
Business Office
c/o Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan


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