投稿日: 2022.06.14 最終更新日: 2023.02.25
- Utilization of straw-based phenolic acids as a biofugicide for a green agricultural production:JBB Volume 131, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 53-60
Huanran Wei, Yazhu Wang, Zheng Jin, Fan Yang, Jiajun Hu, Min-Tian Gao(School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University, China)
- Citrate exporter enhances both extracellular and intracellular citric acid accumulation in the koji fungi Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii and Aspergillus oryzae:JBB Volume 131, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 68-76
中村 恵理1・門岡 千尋1・奥津 果優1・吉﨑 由美子1・髙峯 和則1・後藤 正利1,2・玉置 尚徳1・二神 泰基1(1鹿児島大学,2佐賀大学)
- Fake metabolomics chromatogram generation for facilitating deep learning of peak-picking neural networks:JBB Volume 131, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 207-212
金澤慎司1,2,3・野田 陽1・伊東 有沙2・橋本 恭子2・國澤 研大1・中西 豪1・梶原 茂樹1・向 紀雄1・飯田 順子1,2・福崎 英一郎3・松田 史生3(1島津製作所,2大阪大学・島津分析イノベーション協働研究所,3大阪大学)
- Development of liquid crystal biosensor for the detection of amyloid beta-42 levels associated with Alzheimer’s disease:JBB Volume 132, Issue 1, July 2021, Pages 88-94
Emine Kemiklioglu1, Ebru Busra Tuncgovde1, Gonen Ozsarlak-Sozer2(1Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkey, 2Ege University, Turkey)
- Design of suspension culture system with bubble sparging for human induced pluripotent stem cells in a plastic fluid:JBB Volume 132, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 190-197
山本 陸・紀ノ岡 正博(大阪大学)
- Lab-scale autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion can maintain and remove nitrogen by controlling shear stress and oxygen supply system:JBB Volume 132, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 293-301
Zhang Min・田代 幸寛・朝倉 侑弥・石田 夏美・渡邉 康太・Yue Siyuan・丸山 明子・酒井 謙二(九州大学)
- Analysis of extracellular vesicles as a potential index for monitoring differentiation of neural lineage cells from induced pluripotent stem cells:JBB Volume 132, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 381-389
斉藤 洸1・加藤 美登里1・平井 格郎1・木山 政晴1・大山 国夫1・半澤 宏子1・中根 淳2・関谷 明香2・吉田 賢司2・岸野 晶祥2・土田 敦之2・木村 徹2・髙橋 淳3・武田 志津1(1株式会社日立製作所,2大日本住友製薬株式会社〔現 住友ファーマ株式会社〕,3京都大学)