2013年度(第21回)生物工学論文賞 受賞論文
投稿日: 2013.06.18 最終更新日: 2020.06.03
*はCorresponding authorを示す。 所属は論文掲載時のもの
- Cell proliferation on three-dimensional chitosan–agarose–gelatin cryogel scaffolds for tissue engineering applications: JBB vol.114, no. 6, p. 663–670, 2012
…Sumrita Bhat, Ashok Kumar*(Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
- Novel high butanol production from lactic acid and pentose byClostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum: JBB vol. 114, no. 5, , p.526–530, 201
…吉田 剛士・田代 幸寛・園元 謙二*(九大)
- Large-scale genome reorganization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through combinatorial loss of mini-chromosomes: JBB vol.113, no. 6, p.675–682, 2012
…上田 洋二・生嶋 茂仁・杉山 峰崇・的場 亮・金子 嘉信・松原 謙一・原島 俊*
- Direct isopropanol production from cellobiose by engineered Escherichia coli using a synthetic pathway and a cell surface display system: JBB vol 114, no.1, p.80–85, 2012
…相馬 悠希・猪熊 健太郎・田中 勉・荻野 千秋・近藤 昭彦・岡本 正宏・花井 泰三*
- Effects of low-shear modeled microgravity on a microbial community filtered through a 0.2-μm filter and its potential application in screening for novel microorganisms: JBB vol. 114, no.1, p.73–79
…青柳 秀紀*・黒田 晶葉(筑波大)
- Evaluation of adhesiveness of Acinetobacter sp. Tol 5 to abiotic surfaces: JBB vol. 113, no.6, p.719–725, 2012
…石川 聖人・重盛 一希・鈴木 淳巨・堀 克敏*(名大,名工大)
酢酸菌Gluconacetobacter europaeusによる分岐鎖アミノ酸の生産: 生物工学会誌 第90巻 第7号374–380, 2012
…赤坂 直紀・佐古田 久雄*・藤原 伸介(マルカン酢,関西学院大)