Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Vol. 98, No. 5 (2004)
Vol. 98, November 2004
Optical micrographs of cells of aerial microalga Coelastrella striolata var. multistriata cultured with (left panel) or without (right panel) a nitrogen source.
The cells of the microalga exhibit abilities to be reddish orange (right panel) to green (left panel), depending on the nitrogen source and have the ability to remove environmental nitrogen, suggesting the usefulness of such a photosynthetic microorganism for environmental biomonitoring and remediation.
Related article: Abe, K., Takizawa, H., Kimura, S., and Hirano, M., "Characteristics of chlorophyll formation of the aerial microalga Coelastrella striolata var. multistriata and its application for environmental biomonitoring", J. Biosci. Bioeng., vol. 98, 34-39 (2004).
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